NaNoWriMo, I have beaten thee.
With 34 minutes to spare, no less. That's 32 minutes more leeway than I had when I won ScriptFrenzy (the same challenge, only for scripts) back in April. Maybe next time I'll actually get the darn thing finished a whole
hour before midnight!
Or maybe that's wishful thinking.
I wrote 8,500 words today alone. I'm impressed that I can still move my fingers.
Needless to say, 50k words is not
really novel-length. I hit 50,129 words by 11:26pm and I've got a grand total of 94 single-spaced pages in my word processor. It's easily the longest piece of prose fiction I have ever written...but it's not really done. Basically, when I realized I was drawing scarily close to the deadline and was nowhere near done, I started jumping ahead to hit the most interesting bits. Finally, in the last stretch, I lunged straight to the final chapter. So there's a good third or so of the book that's missing in there. Ideally, it ought to wind up somewhere between 80k and 100k words, so I've got some more space that I can fill.
Not to mention a hell of a lot of editing. There are some massive chunks--I'm talking entire chapters--that just need to be burned. Fortunately NaNoWriMo is about quantity, not quality, and those absolutely horrendous sections helped me reach my word count even if they aren't exactly literary genius.
Phew. Talk about a crazy dash to the finish line. I feel a little lightheaded and a lot tired. It doesn't help that I have to work at ArcLight at 9:15 a.m tomorrow. I dislike morning shifts. And I dislike working at the snack bar. So, naturally, I am working a morning shift in the snack bar. Because ArcLight hates me.
But, hey, at least I have this snazzy little NaNoWriMo graphic that I can show off...
It's the little things.